Colourful double-sided cards to help learn about numbers.
How to play:
Simple sums
Use the side with dots on for making up some simple sums such as 4 3=7. Start with numbers from 1 to 9 and then go onto numbers from 10 to 20.
Pick two flash cards at random, take smaller number away from a larger number. What is left? .
Counting activities
Count the objects on each card. Cover one of the pictures on the card. Ask your child how many they can see. Do this for more than one picture.
Count items around the house with younger children. How many chairs can they see around the table? How many cups on the table?
Domino cards
Older children can use the back of the cards to play dominoes.
What do the dots on each card add up to? Sort them into piles, e.g. cards with eight dots, cards with five dots, cards with eleven dots, etc.
Look at the spots. See if your child can recognise and match the number with the correct number of spots on each of the cards.
Using these fun jumbo double-sided cards, familiarise your child with numbers and teach them some simple addition and subtraction.
Counting activities
Count the objects on each card. Point to a card, How many objects can you see? Do this for more than one picture.
Count items around the house with younger children. How many chairs can they see around the table? How many cups on the table?
Great for:
Stimulating the brain
Improving basic numeracy
Helping your child link words and symbols
Developing social skills and helping communication
Building confidence and concentration