- NIGHT LAMP: A sweet firefly that flashes slowly at the rhythm of the heart to brighten the environment around the child. Premium design and functionality to support it in pre and during sleep stages
- FEATURES: Lights and sounds designed to become part of the ritual that the parent creates to sleep the child. Music and soft light become useful elements to identify the moment of sleep
- GOOD NIGHT LAMP: The preparation phase for night sleep is delicate, so it is important to adopt relaxing techniques for the child that decrease overstimulation, making sleep serene and lasting
- SOFT LIGHT: A thread of light in the bedroom makes the child more calm and peaceful. At the same time it offers the opportunity for mom to enter and check that she sleeps, without disturbing him
- SWEET MELODIES AND SOUNDS: Classic songs and white noise designed to relax the child and accompany him in the phase of falling asleep. The light sequences lull it to prepare it for a quiet, lasting sleep
Good Night Lamp
Age Range: 0 - 3 months, 1 - 2 years, 3 - 6 months, 6 - 12 months
SKU: 17797
Category: Baby and Toddler