Including seven pieces of colourful wooden fruit, a wooden knife and a wooden crate for pretend cooking and shopping play. Slice up your fruit with your knife to share out with your friends or toys for a healthy snack – take a look at your fruit when it’s cut to see what it looks like inside, can you see the seeds? Stick the fruit back together and arrange it carefully inside your crate for a fun shopping game, pretend to be a shop keeper and sell your delicious fruit to all your customers to take home for their tea. This beautiful wooden set is sure to inspire hours of pretend play and is ideal for playing with play kitchens or shopping toys. Suitable for children from 3 years. Quick Facts: – Wooden set – Includes seven pieces of wooden fruit, a knife and crate – Fruit with cut and play fun – Fruit sticks together with velcro – Painted details inside the cut and play fruit – Crate adds play value and is ideal for storage – Inspires pretend cooking and shopping play – Can help to introduce the concept of healthy eating